

  • 晚上好!欢迎光临184488小店

  • 中山市皇典灯饰有限公司,是一家专业生产制造家居装饰,酒店,会所,别墅等装饰灯具的生产厂家。公司集设计,开发,生产,销售及电子商务于一体。自成立以来,始终坚持高品质产品和高品质服务,以客户为本,想客户所想,急客户所急。企业秉承“诚信经营、双赢互利,顾客至上”的原则,力争将皇典灯饰品牌打造成中国知名灯饰品牌企业。
    我们所有的灯具产品严格按国家标准执行,实行强制性“CCC”认证。灯具类型包括酒店大堂灯、酒店客房灯、传统布艺灯、进口不锈钢灯,新中式灯、美式乡村灯以及非标酒店工程灯具等。产品质量上乘,工艺精湛。在灯饰同行业中,我们的产品风格独树一帜,在业界已有极好的口碑,倍受资深建筑装饰设计师,酒店客户和家居客户的赞赏。 我们有专业的设计工程团队,可以为您量身订造您需要的灯款,也欢迎您来图来样定做适合您的灯具。您的满意是我们的追求,欢迎广大朋友们前来洽谈和订购。
    Zhongshan Huangdian lighting company limited locates in guzhen town of zhongshan city, the transportation is very convenient, it is near to jiangmen, xiaolan, foshan,zhuhai. We specialized in manufacturing home lighting and hotel project lighting manufacturing etc. Our principle is honesty and credibility to our clients, and supply every kind of lighting products with good quality and preferential price to customers from the world.
    Our products range from ceiling lamps, pendants, chandeliers, table lamps, floor lamps and mirror lamps etc. The raw material includes crystal, glass, wooden, metal, cloth, ceramic, poly resin, rattan, acrylic and alloy zinc etc. We have excellent lighting designers team, and could design and produce lighting products for our clients. We also welcome you supply drawings and samples to us for custom-made lightings. Your satisfaction is our pursuit. Welcome you to visit our factory and order products from us.